-If you happen to find yourself in Paris on the first Sunday of the month, most of the citys major museums offer free admission. 如果你碰巧在该月的第一个周日现身巴黎,那么大部分的博物馆都是免费入场的哦。
Many museums and art galleries in Toronto, including its two most well-known, the Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario, offer free admission to students one day per week. 多伦多的许多博物馆和美术馆,包括两个最著名的皇家安大略博物馆和安大略美术馆,都会向学生提供每周一天门票免费的优惠。
It offers free and discounted admission to 60 museums and monuments around the city, and it lets you skip the ticket lines! 全市六十多个博物馆和纪念地门票都能打折,也可以让你不用排队哦!
These Terms and Conditions are applicable to all visitors to Expo 2010, including those who enter the Expo Site with valid tickets and children at or below 1.2m at the time of entry, who are eligible for free admission. 所有上海世博会参观者,包括持上海世博会门票进入园区的参观者,以及入园时身高1.2米以下(含1.2米)的免票儿童,均应遵守本须知。
Visit the Louvre for free Admission to the famous Louvre Museum is free the first Sunday of each month from October to March. 免费游玩卢浮宫:每年10月到次年三月的每月第一个周日,卢浮宫都是可以免费入场的。
This ticket entitles you to free admission. 凭这张票你可以免费入场。
Free admission museums supply more chances for the public to get knowledge that cannot be easily accessed. 博物馆免费开放,提供更多的机会对公众获得知识,不能方便地访问。
Research on Visitor's Disruptive Behavior and the Design Strategies of Free Admission Park 开放式城市公园游人破坏性行为及其设计对策研究
Free admission for all programmes. 所有节目均免费入场。
Free Admission, All are welcome. 免费入场,欢迎参加。
The Topkapi Palace has recently kicked off their "Free Admission Week". 托普卡普宫殿最近开始了它们的“免费入场周”。
Besides, we can also take the policy of giving free admission first to children, then to the retired person, and last to the public. 此外,我们还可以采取的政策的第一个儿童免费入场,然后给退休的人,最后到公众。
The Conference and Lunch cum Talk are free admission. Pre-registration is required. Due to limited capacity, places will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. 是次研讨会及午餐演讲均不设登记费用.与会者需预先登记.坐位有限,先到先得。
It's on free admission but it do worth much more than that. I just put the collection in the album and write another blog for that. 它是免费参观的,但是后来看完以后发现真的太值了,我会把一些藏品的照片及说明发在相册里,再整理一篇有关那里的日志专门说明。
Pre-register online for free admission today! 今天就在线免费预先登记吧!
The popular open-air concert with free admission takes place in the setting of Schoenbrunn Palace and its baroque gardens, a UNESCO world cultural heritage site. 流行的露天音乐会,免费入场发生在泉宫的巴洛克式的宫殿和花园,联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产现场设置的地方。
He also argued strenuously ( against the prevailing opinion) for the free admission of immigrants. 他还极力主张大量接纳移民(这与当时的普遍看法相反)。
The screenings at Zhongwen Hall, Sun Yat-sen University are free of admission. 特别单元(中山大学中文堂)免费入场。
However, free admission to museums might lead to some social problems as well. 第二段,主要详细说明当前博物馆免费开放的目的和引发的问题。
ISA training students receive free admission to the exhibit floor with their course registration. ISA的培训学员凭借他们的课程报名表,可以免费领取展会入场卷。
There is free parking and no admission charge to the stadium, where the gates open at11.30am. 体育馆提供免费停车服务,不收入场费,于早上11:30开门。
The token entitle you to two free admission to the museum. 凭此券你可以得到两张参观博物馆的免费入场券。
Visitors to Disney World can get free admission to the parks on their birthdays. 迪士尼世界的游客可以在其生日当天免费入园。
Free English class, one og counter plans for university admission, is opened for the students who are preparing for entering university. 希望报考大学的学生为对象,开设大学入学考试对策免费英语班。
The Elementary Study on the Design of Free Admission Park 现代开放式城市公园设计探究
But since the implementation of free admission, the insufficiencies in the management system of museums are increasingly remarkable and affect the supply quality of public cultural products and public cultural services. 但免费开放实行后,博物馆自身管理体制上的诸多不足日益明显,影响了公共文化产品和公共文化服务的供给质量。
The research contains free admission, training and employment problems of the normal students. 从免费师范生招生、培养以及就业中存在的问题进行研究。
Litigation, having made that admission and the court binding on admission, and claims that people are not free to revoke admission, the court shall not he was innocent of the fact to the contrary identified. 诉讼中自认一经作出即对自认人和法院产生拘束力,自认人不得随意撤销自认,法院亦不得就自认的事实为相反的认定。
According to the project of reconstruction of Jining People Park, I appy the theory into the practical analysis and make a conclusion of the success and failure in the course of transformation from the enclosed type to the free admission by taking the People Park as the example. 结合济宁市人民公园改建工程,将理论应用于实践分析中,总结人民公园从封闭式向开放式转变过程中的成功之处和不足之处,对今后市区开放式城市公园的设计有一定的指导意义。